10 Things You Didn’t Know About 'The Fiend'

4. The 'Muscle Man Dance' Had Ridiculous Depth

Bray Wyatt

On the 3 June Raw, Bray Wyatt's 'Firefly Fun House' segment took an even more bizarre turn when it debuted the 'Muscle Man Dance'. In the ridiculous segment, Bray wore a 'Wyatt Gym' shirt, did some aerobic exercises and jived the night away with puppet characters like Huskus, Sister Abigail and Vince McMahon himself.

It was a fever dream-esque comedy skit, and one that was to easy to see as filler.

The truth is that 'Muscle Man Dancing' has way more depth than some might imagine. Firstly, the inclusion of McMahon had to be deliberate; wrestling fans have heard for years how Vince is obsessed with physical excellence and muscle-bound cartoons come to life. He put relentless emphasis on great bodies during the WWF's rise in the 1980s, and (despite the fact he's in great nick now) being a Greek God is not something anyone has ever accused Bray of.

Secondly, the campy tones of the music itself shared the same pomp as McMahon's 'Stand Back' performance at the 1987 Slammy Awards. The whole Raw skit appeared to be a send-up of Vince's bodybuilding love, the pressure put on WWE stars to look a certain way and his own musical interludes.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.