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5. Huskus The Pig Boy Is Husky Harris

Huskus The Pig Boy Husky Harris

Huskus The Pig Boy isn't the only character in 'Firefly Fun House' with history, but he's one of the more captivating when analysing Bray's pro wrestling career. Though the creepy Sister Abigail doll harks back to his cult days and Ramblin' Rabbit cries for "Help!", it's Huskus who has a more personal touch.

He, for all intents and purposes, is an anthropomorphic stuffed version of NXT wannabe Husky Harris.

Back when Husky debuted on WWE TV in 2010, he was described as being a "Sherman tank with a Ferrari engine". That, quickly, became a bland tagline announcers could bust out willy-nilly when they had nothing left to say. On 'Fun House', Wyatt referenced such struggles by telling the plush pig that he needs to take better care of himself otherwise he'll never be considered a genius.

The puppet tells the story of Bray's battle with excessiveness and gluttony, and it hints that he may have been called 'Huskus The Pig Boy' as a rib back in the day too. This willingness to expose one's soul gives Huskus more life than any of the cast have at first glance.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.