10 Things You Didn’t Know About WWE’s Intercontinental Title

1. It's Been Misplaced Before Shows More Than Once

Dolph Ziggler Raw Intercontinental Title

Finally, some funny stories.

Before the 6 October 2014 Raw, Dolph Ziggler jetted into Brooklyn for the show and was horrified to learn that United Airlines had lost his luggage. His Intercontinental Title belt was in one of those bags, and there was still no sign of it come show time. Uh and indeed oh.

Thankfully for Dolph, WWE carry replacement belts with them on the road, so he wasn't left too red-faced that night. Five years earlier, poor Chris Jericho couldn't say the same. During his ninth (and final) run as IC Champ, Jericho realised he'd left the belt at his hotel before driving to the venue. There wasn't enough time to go get it either.

Ever the resourceful type, Jericho grabbed some electrical tape and doctored up a replica of the Women's Title for his house show match that evening. Fans in attendance did see through the disguise, but needs must. Better to have a belt than no belt, right?


What other cool facts do you know about the Intercontinental Title? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.