10 Things You Didn’t Know About WWE’s Intercontinental Title

8. Two Champs Have Also Won IWGP Intercontinental Gold

Chris Jericho Intercontinental

New AEW Champion Chris Jericho is a bit of a trailblazer. Actually, to hell with "bit". The dude has been bucking the trend for over 20 years now, and he shows no sign of stopping. One of the most unique accomplishments on his laundry list of the things is that he's one of only two men to hold both WWE's and New Japan's Intercontinental belts.

He was joined by Shinsuke Nakamura, who won the WWE IC Title at Extreme Rules, this past July.

Jericho's nine stints as WWE Intercontinental Champion speak for themselves, but he'll cherish his 209-day reign as IWGP IC Champ last year just as much; that win over Tetsuya Naito at Dominion 6.9 in Osaka-jo Hall was part of another reinvention for the legend outside WWE's walls. He must've been thrilled to get the chance.

It's worth noting that MVP would be joining Shin and Jericho had he won any of his Intercontinental Title shots in WWE. Porter was actually the first IWGP IC Champion, winning the belt back in 2011 and holding it for 148 days.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.