10 Things You Didn’t Know About WWE’s Intercontinental Title

6. The Belt Has Long-Running Family Ties

Curt Hennig Curtis Axel Intercontinental Title

He may have flopped harder than a middle-aged gent who doesn't listen to today's wrestling podcasts and therefore has no clue what BlueChew is, but Curtis Axel had a ball at Payback 2013. That night, he got to hold the IC Title aloft and look proudly to the skies in tribute to his father, Curt 'Mr. Perfect' Hennig.

Sometimes, wrestling is lovely.

The father-son dynamic between Curt and Curtis is backed up elsewhere by other family ties like both Bret and Owen Hart becoming Intercontinental Champions. Their brother-in-law Davey Boy Smith also held the title, possibly making the Hart clan the only one to include three champs from the same family.

Both Dustin (as Goldust) and Cody Rhodes are notable ex-champions too, and, if one wants to take things further, storyline bros Edge and Christian held the belt at different points in their careers as well. The IC gold's history is a family love-in.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.