10 Things You Didn't Know About Booker T

9. Used To Regularly Crack Wrestlers Up

Booker T has always been popular amongst his peers - several performers, including even those who haven't always seen eye to eye with the man (Batista), have stated that he's an entertaining guy to be around. When he has been allowed to, the man has always shown a lot of personality on-screen, in WCW, TNA and WWE, and has an innate ability to cut good promos when on top form. A hallmark of Booker's run in WWE was when the camera would zoom in on his face. The wrestler would go all bug-eyed, pouting with his mouth and looking pretty spooked. From there, common practice would see him utter one of his infamous catchphrases, usually, 'Tell me he didn't just say that'. Apparently, a lot of the time this camera technique was used because Booker's mannerisms would crack whomever he was sharing the screen with, causing them to smile or laugh at his facial expression and delivery. It's absolutely wonderful to imagine Booker T cutting a promo with wrestlers such as Goldust, Triple H or Chris Benoit, and having them be unable to hide a wry smile.
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Booker T
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.