10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ivelisse

7. Her Only WWE Loss

Ivelisse Lucha

Unfortunately for Ivelisse, though, she wasn’t quite invincible during her nine-month WWE stay.

In Developmental territory, she was no stranger to defeats against the likes of Audrey Marie, Alicia Fox’s cousin Caylee Turner and Eddie Guerrero’s daughter Raquel Diaz.

But on actual televised WWE shows, she only ever tasted defeat once. Again, it’s a fairly small sample size of three TV tapings, but for the sake of this argument that’s enough.

The fateful day of her one and only loss came on Jul. 26 at an NXT taping, when she was beaten by Tamina Snuka. Tamina won in less than three minutes after hitting her patented splash.

So if you add in the wins over Natalya and Paige, that means that she actually has a 2-1 record on televised WWE programming—a very respectable ratio. It’s also fairly ironic that of those three, the one woman she lost to is the only one who’s yet to win a championship.


Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.