10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ivelisse

8. 100% Record Against Paige

While the win over Natalya was inarguably the greatest of her brief WWE career, Ivelisse has also fared rather well against another current WWE star.

Paige came up through the ranks with Ivelisse, so much so that they were in fact in a tag team known as the Anti-Diva Army. Still, they didn’t let their alliance get in the way of a good rivalry, doing battle with each other on a handful of occasions.

They went toe-to-toe in tag team bouts, Triple Threats, and Fatal Four Ways, as well as a one-on-one meeting on just the third-ever episode of the rebranded NXT. And with Ivelisse tasting victory that day, she can now lay claim to a 100% success rate versus Paige in singles competition.

I mean, technically that was the only time that Ivelisse and Paige ever squared off in a one-against-one situation. And at the time Paige was a virtual unknown, so it doesn’t quite compare to the Natalya win.

But still, 100% is 100%, as I’m sure Ivelisse will tell you.


Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.