10 Things You Didn't Know About Liv Morgan

8. Her Siblings Started A Backyard Fed

TLC 2018 Liv Morgan

Most fans have likely forgotten already that Liv took a table bump at TLC 2018. That coming-of-age moment for Morgan on WWE's main roster was diluted due to the pay-per-view's endless stream of similar stunts, but it was more of a throwback for Liv anyway. She'd been taking big bumps like that since she was a kid.

The only difference was that she'd bump for fun in her backyard.

Liv and her siblings created their own crude wrestling ring (if it could even be called that) in the back garden and invited friends over after school for "matches". Their house became a popular hang out spot within weeks due to the popularity of pro wrestling at school, and Morgan remembers taking "Pedigrees and Powerbombs like it was my job".

Backyard wrestling comes with natural skepticism from those who believe kids shouldn't be mimicking pro wrestling, but Liv had the time of her life playing out sequences and emulating her heroes. Don't try this at home though, kids...

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Liv Morgan
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.