10 Things You Didn't Know About Molly Holly

4. Has Held A Male Championship Belt

WrestleMania 18 is firmly cemented in many fans€™ minds due to the clash of two icons, The Rock and Hulk Hogan, who finally locked horns and tore the house down in an inter-generational dream match. However, history of another kind was also being made that very night €“ in a backstage segment which featured two masked superheroes, the now-defunct Hardcore Championship and€a frying pan. This was the night when The Hurricane (and a whole host of other wrestlers) went in search of the Hardcore Championship while it was still defended under 24/7 rule. After winning the belt backstage, the Hurricane, joined by his trusty sidekick Mighty Molly, prepared to fly out of the arena and away to safely. However, just as he was all set to make his escape, Molly bashed him on the back of the head with a frying pan, before covering her confused partner for the three-count, thus becoming the Hardcore Champion. Only a handful of women have ever won a male championship in WWE, which makes this quite a feat for Molly, even if she was knocked unconscious and pinned by Christian moments later. By winning the title at WrestleMania 18, she joins an elite group of ladies including Chyna, Jaqueline and Medusa (along with Terri Runnels and one of the Godfather's hos...yeah) in capturing male gold.
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Molly Holly
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Christopher Powers hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.