10 Things You Didn't Know About Perry Saturn
1. Pat Patterson Came Up With The 'Moppy' Angle

During a match taped for WWF Metal, Perry Saturn was dropped on his head twice by his opponent, veteran journeyman wrestler Mike Bell. After the second time, a dazed and confused Saturn began instinctively fighting Belly - for real - before realising the situation and throwing Bell out of the ring.
Unfortunately, a startled Bell took the bump wrong, landing on his head and neck. The situation over, the two men finished the match and headed to the back, where an irate Vince McMahon was waiting for Saturn. Taking full responsibility for what had occurred, Perry explained the situation and told his superiors that it wouldn't happen again.
Two weeks later, Saturn was dealt a surly beating by backstage enforcers the APA on Raw, giving him a kayfabe concussion. So began one of the most bizarre angles in WWE history, as a head trauma-afflicted Perry Saturn fell in love with a mop, which he called 'Moppy' and dumped manager Terri Runnels for.
There's been a lot of speculation as to whose idea this gimmick/storyline was but, according to a 2003 interview with Saturn, it came from none other than WWE legend and respected road agent Pat Patterson. Whether or not it was a rib designed to humble the hot-tempered Saturn is unclear, but it was the first Intercontinental Champion that came up with it.
Despite obviously being a bit of silliness and (probably) a rib, the mop angle got over, much to pretty much everyones surprise. Saturn himself hated the storyline and thought it was ridiculous, but the fans responded and it kept Perry on television, with the storyline eventually leading to a pay-per-view match between him and Raven at Unforgiven 2001.
Unsurprisingly, it was Saturn's own idea for Moppy to eventually fit her way into the wood-chipper (RIP).