10 Things You Didn't Know About Perry Saturn

9. His Favourite Opponent Was Eddie Guerrero

Perry Saturn Moppy

Saturn may have had a problem working with Lita and Matt Hardy, but those late 2000/early 2001 Team Extreme/Radicalz matches sure were a lot of fun. In fact, Saturn had good matches with a wide variety of opponents, from Rob Van Dam and Sabu to Al Snow and Steve Blackburn.

Of all of Saturn's opponents, however, his favourite was his fellow Radical Eddie Guerrero. The two men worked together extensively in WCW and WWE and Saturn says he was his favourite to work with because he was so smooth and they had similar philosophies and psychologies when performing.

Eddie/Saturn matches of note include their bouts at WCW Halloween Havoc 1999 and WWE Fully Loaded 2000, but they also worked a lot on Raw/Smackdown/Nitro during that era and had a tonne of matches on house shows, too. Watching them work together, they had undeniable chemistry and usually produced entertaining contests.

While Latino Heat was his favourite opponent, Eddie was not part of Saturn's favourite match. That distinction belongs to his Fall Brawl 1998 'Raven's Rules' match with the leader of The Flock.

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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...