10 Things You Didn't Know About Perry Saturn

8. He And Chris Jericho Changed WCW PPV Match Finish Without Eric Bischoff's Knowledge

Perry Saturn Moppy

One of Saturn's more notable periods was the time in WCW where he was forced to don a dress. Saturn was feuding with Chris Jericho at the time, leading to a 'loser wears a dress match' at Souled Out in January 1999. Pez lost the match and then began wearing the ladies garment, but that wasn't the original planned outcome.

The original finish had Saturn going over Y2J, but the two wrestlers got the finish changed on the day of the show. Bischoff was on a hunting trip at the time, leaving the running of the show to Kevin Nash. According to Saturn, Nash wasn't 'all there' that day and approved the new finish (with the understanding they could blow off the feud the next month) without consulting his boss.

Needless to say, when Bischoff found out about this he was royally p*ssed off. The whole reason for the match and stipulation (according to Saturn) was to screw with Jericho, who made it known he wanted to leave WCW and go to WWE when his contract expired in the summer.

Perry also said that he didn't mind the dress gimmick because it made him stand out. He tried to go in a more 'gothic' direction with it but the predominantly southern audience didn't respond to it and the angle was dropped, with Saturn moving on to become a member of The Revolution stable.

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Perry Saturn
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...