10 Things You Didn't Know About Perry Saturn
5. He Was Shot While Attempting To Save A Woman From Being Raped

Perry may have left mainstream wrestling in 2004, but he still made headlines as he went from ring warrior to real-life hero. This story was unconfirmed until Saturn resurfaced in recent years and had grown to become something of an urban legend, with ten different variations of the story doing the rounds.
As Saturn tells it, he was driving back home after dropping his girlfriend home from work when he saw two men on top of a woman in a park. He ran over and pushed them off of her. One of the guys ran off, while Saturn stopped and pulled a pocket knife on the other, stabbing him.
Saturn assumed the pain in his neck and shoulder was because he had been punched but he had, in fact, been shot twice (which necessitated surgery and plates/screws to be inserted). The police arrived and tried to get Saturn to go with the ambulance but Saturn had no idea he had been shot and was confused as to why they wanted him to go to the hospital.
Although Saturn was painted as a hero and helped save the woman from suffering a terrible ordeal, it came at a serious cost: incapacitated and unable to do much during his recovery, his drug problems severely worsened, leading to his life spiralling out of control...