10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ring Of Honor

6. Former WWE Headliners Used To Train Students At Their Academy

Ring of Honor Champion CM Punk.jpg

Ring Of Honor started to gain notoriety during the first few years of the promotion's run.

The athletic, fast-paced style favoured in the company sparked interest, and it was perhaps only natural that aspiring wrestlers would want to learn how to be part of things. The Ring Of Honor Wrestling Academy was subsequently set up for that very reason.

Currently, the ROH Dojo is run by Delirious, emphasising fundamental wrestling skill and conditioning. Both are crucial to the organisation's way of doing things, but Delirious isn't the only man who has been trusted with training fledgling performers. Many former WWE World Champions were also given that role.

Before moving to WWE, the likes of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan worked as head trainers for the Academy. In fact, Bryan even lived there for a while, holding seminars and helping young wrestlers learn the ropes.

Today, being taught by performers of that level would seem challenging outside of the WWE Performance Center, but things were different around a decade ago.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.