10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ring Of Honor

5. Jim Cornette Viewed ROH As A Vehicle To Push Old-School Wrestling Again

Ring of Honor Champion CM Punk.jpg

In 2005, Jim Cornette signed on as ROH Commissioner. The onscreen role seemed perfect at the time, especially considering Cornette had just been released by WWE following a backstage incident involving Santino Marella in developmental. Slapping the wrestler, it was clear that the long-time manager, commentator and trainer required some time away.

After a stint in TNA, Cornette returned to ROH. This time, he was brought in as Executive Producer for the promotion's new TV show. HDNet wanted to push Ring Of Honor as a viable alternative to what WWE and TNA were presenting, and that was something Cornette seemed to be in step with.

In Jim's mind, ROH existed as the chance to push wrestlers who hadn't yet been tarnished by association with either of the bigger companies. It was a sound strategy, and Cornette even worked as the main booker of the promotion for a spell.

Sadly, it wasn't meant to last. Cornette's vision that ROH could recapture the more traditional feel of wrestling in the 1980's was viewed as outdated by those who wanted the promotion to drive forward.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.