10 Things You Didn't Know About Seth Rollins

2. Triple H's Pet Project

Seth Rollins is a Triple H guy. Hunter was there for a photo when Seth won his NXT title, just like he was there backstage for a photo when he won the WWE Title at WrestleMania 31. Along the way he has protected Seth and ensured that he's been consistently booked on WWE television. That even extended to booking himself in matches with Rollins. Triple H's Evolution battled Rollins' Shield at Extreme Rules and Payback in 2014. They were two great matches, mostly designed because Hunter wanted to work against his favourite performer. Backstage, Triple H has also been seeing to it that Rollins is protected. When the Rollins nude photo leak happened, it was left to Triple H to act as the only WWE voice defending the star. All he said on an NXT conference call was the "Colby Lopez situation is an unfortunate personal incident." Why does Hunter like Seth so much? The simple answer is that Rollins is legitimately the best pro wrestler on the planet. Triple H is in awe and wants to be responsible for part of his success.
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WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.