10 Things You Didn't Know About Seth Rollins

3. Talked Vince McMahon Out Of Splitting The Shield Too Early

The original plan for The Shield splitting up was a January 2014 angle. However, Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose felt that was too early and made their feelings known to Vince McMahon. "We said no, we stopped it," Rollins told Chris Jericho on Talk Is Jericho this past December. "In this company no one had really cornered the market on six-man tags," Rollins said. "As an attraction, the six-man match had never been an attraction here. We had that six man thing down. We had a pace that catered to our fans. They went with it (the babyface run) for a little while. We talked to them (Vince McMahon) and got it settled." As a result, The Shield split didn't occur until June 2014. McMahon's initial idea had been for the split at the Rumble and then a Shield three way at WrestleMania 30. Rollins going to the boss and talking him around was a major step in earning the status of being a top guy. Only the very best can have Vince's ear like that.
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