10 Things You Didn't Know About Shane Helms

1. He Had Long-Standing Heat With Shawn Michaels

The Hurricane WWE

When Helms was released from his WWE contract in February of 2010, he did the usual ex-WWE star thing and gave several candid 'shoot' interviews. One of the more open and honest ex-WWE guys doing the rounds at the time, Helms let his true feelings known about everything from his relationship with Vince McMahon to his time as a member of Three Count to, notably, his heat with Shawn Michaels.

It transpired that The Hurricane didn't exactly have the best opinion of the WWE Hall of Famer, primarily because he felt HBK went out of his way to hurt the careers of others. According to Helms, Michaels had undercut himself and others (including Ken Kennedy) for reasons which were never quite clear to him.

He didn't like how Michaels, who is a noted born-again Christian, would act this way backstage and then go out to the ring and pray on the ramp and talk about his faith. To Helms, this made Michaels 'the biggest hypocrite in the business'. Helms also tweeted 'I wonder if I backstab a bunch of people and hurt careers & families and slaughter animals for fun but then pray on stage, that make it ok? Just wondering? :-) But enough about that hypocrite' amongst other things.

Michaels was mooted in his response, also taking to Twitter and saying 'From u all I hav. Verbal attack? Wow pretty scary. Thoughts? Sticks & stones I guess? :-)'. That was pretty much the end of it, but Helms maintains that he is telling the truth and even specifically mentioned a time that Michaels supposedly cussed Chris Jericho out in catering.

The story, however, has a happy ending. According to Helms' 2015 Reddit AMA, the beef with him and Shawn was squashed when Michaels sent Helms a positive message after his son was born prematurely. It's good to see that both have moved on and let bygones be bygones.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...