10 Things You Didn't Know About Shane Helms

2. Drunken Incident With Chris Jericho Led To WWE Release

The Hurricane WWE

Shane Helms' almost nine-year WWE career came to an end on February 26, 2010. Although it could be said that Helms' time in the company was coming to a natural end anyway, after his many years on television, injuries and recent demotion to ECW, there was a specific incident that acted as the catalyst.

A month earlier, on January 27th, Helms and Chris Jericho had been arrested in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky after a night of partying in a local bar. The police report stated that Helms had punched Jericho. According to police, both men were extremely intoxicated and were given tickets for public intoxication. They were released after posting a $120 bond.

Helms later claimed that 'Yeah, it wasn't even a fight...It was like two drunken guys being idiots' and that he and Y2J 'laughed about it. We didn't even know we were in trouble. Me and Chris had signed autographs and took pictures with all these cops. We didn't even know we were arrested really. They all pulled out their cell phones and we were taking pictures with them. I was looking at Chris like, 'Are we arrested?' and he's like, 'I don't know. I don't know what the f*ck's going on.' It was really silly'.

Silly or not, the story was picked up by TMZ and other major news outlets. Helms, as the low man on the totem pole, was the one reprimanded, losing his job over the incident. In the end, the split was amicable, with Helms wanting to move on and explore other options anyway.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...