10 Things You Didn't Know About Shane Helms

6. He Threw A Water Bottle Off Buff Bagwell's Head In WWE

The Hurricane WWE

Buff Bagwell's short-but-eventful WWE tenure is well-documented. We've all heard the stories about how he and Booker T stunk the joint out in the main event of Raw, cancelling any plans to relaunch WCW as a full-time touring brand. We've heard how he showed up late and irked the WWE locker room with his attitude.

Hell, we've even heard about how his mother supposedly called talent relations to complain to WWE management about her son was being treated.

What some people don't know about, or tend to forget, is that he had a 'fight' with Shane Helms during a WWE-mandated training session. According to Helms, Bagwell insulted him and so in response he 'burned him really bad', which offended 'The Stuff'. Bagwell then went up behind Helms and hit him in the ear.

Helms, who was nursing a shoulder injury at the time, was royally p*ssed off at this and proceeded to throw a water bottle off of Bagwell's head, unintentionally busting him wide open. Bagwell was history soon after, but Helms gained the respect of the WWE and its locker room leaders like the APA and Steve Austin.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...