10 Things You Didn't Know About Shane Helms

5. He's The Longest-Reigning Cruiswerweight Champion Ever

The Hurricane WWE

Towards the tail end of 2005, it was decided that it was time to, at least momentarily, say goodbye to The Hurricane. The character had reached its potential, whereas it was felt that Helms could do so much more. He needed to drop the goofy persona and get serious in order to avoid stagnation.

He turned on Rosey, went from 'The Hurricane' to simply Gregory Helms and changed his gear from tights, cape and mask to kickpads and tight shorts. After brief feuds on Raw with Rosey and Jerry Lalwer, Helms entered the Cruiserweight Championship Open at the 2006 Royal Rumble and won the belt.

Soon after he was made an official member of the Smackdown roster and began feuding the cruiserweights there. Over the course of the next 385 days, Helms defended against everyone from Super Crazy and Matt Hardy to Jimmy Yang and Chavo Guerrero. He also competed in many Champion Vs. Champion matches against the likes of Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley.

He was an ever-present on the blue show as the longest-reigning Cruiserweight Champion ever. Helms also holds the record for days holding the title in combined reigns, having been in possession of the belt for 532 days during his three reigns, 49 days more than next best, Rey Mysterio, who held it for 483 days over the course of eight reigns.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...