10 Things You Didn't Know About Shane Helms

3. He Asked To Be Taken Off Louisiana House Show After Hurricane Katrina

The Hurricane WWE

In late August 2005, America was rocked by one of the most intense storms in history, when it was hit by Hurricane Katrina. Thousands lost their lives and $108 billion worth of damage was done. The effects are still being felt today, over a decade later.

Aware of just how devastating it was, Helms asked WWE management not to put him on the card for the upcoming September 11th house show in Monroe, Louisiana. He disclosed as much during a 2015 Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Reddit.

A quick look at that event, however, shows that he did in fact work it. He and Rosey defeated Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch in the opener, retaining their World Tag Team titles.

Even though Helms specifically asked to be left off, thus losing out on a payday, he was included. Still, nice to see that he understood the situation and showed sensitivity.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...