10 Things You Didn't Know About Tazz

9. Had Heat With RVD Backstage In ECW

Even to casual wrestling fans who have only witnessed the man perform on a handful of occasions, it's always been clear that Rob Van Dam is comfortable in his own skin. On occasion, this has been taken as arrogance, both by fans and the guy's peers. One of those peers was Taz, who took exception to the way Van Dam handled himself in the ring, recklessly throwing his feet around. Recalling one incident between the pair backstage at an ECW show, fellow wrestler New Jack remembered seeing Taz mouthing off about RVD in the locker room, something the future 'Whole Damn Show' would take exception to. Getting in Taz's face is something many fans of the original ECW couldn't even fathom, so convincing was the hard man gimmick he played on TV, but Van Dam did exactly that. As the story goes, Taz pushed RVD, before the latter nailed him with one punch, a strike that swiftly ended the threat of a fight. New Jack reminisces that a lot of people's perceptions of Taz changed that day, realising that a lot of the bravado surrounding his tough guy gimmick was exactly that, little more than a gimmick.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.