10 Things You Didn't Know About The Dudley Boyz

6. They Stole The Gangstas' Image

Although it's usually hard to determine the validity of New Jack's many shoot interviews, the notorious ex-bounty hunter's claim that the Dudley Boyz stole his image seems suspiciously true. In ECW, he and tag partner Mustafa Saed infamously dressed in militant camouflage gear, a part of their gimmick as the menacing Gangstas. The Dudleys dressed in distinctive tie-dye back in those days, a remnant of Bubba's origins in the happy-go-lucky babyface stable. Interestingly, upon ditching their colourful look after a few unsuccessful WWF appearances, the pair found mainstream success in alarmingly similar camo attire. New Jack has always maintained that the Dudleys stole his tag team's distinctive look, something he feels to be a key component of their success.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.