10 Things You Didn't Know About The Dynamite Kid

2. His Ultra-Costly Road Expenses

Dynamite Kid

An awful lot of that cash went on maintaining his expensive lifestyle on the road.

By his own admission, Dynamite was spending approx £700 per week on hotels, rental cars, beer and a plethora of different drugs (including steroids, cocaine, weed and various other uppers and downers to help him get through the day). It was a deadly mixture of blown money and hazardous addictions he couldn't escape from.

Lord only knows how much he was actually making each week from working the notoriously gruelling WWF schedule of the late-'80s, but it can't have properly offset his expenses. In total, Dynamite was forking out around £2,800 on the road each month, which is hardly prudent. Still, he couldn't do without the drugs.

Those addictions are always something Kid was refreshingly honest about in any interviews he did do over the years. There was no pretence or lies; Dynamite said, more than once, that he needed the steroids to bulk up his small-ish frame for TV.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.