10 Things You Didn't Know About The Dynamite Kid

5. The Howe Bridge Incident

The British Bulldogs

By the early-to-mid-'90s, the former British Bulldogs couldn't really stand one another.

In 1994, Dave Meltzer reported a story in The Wrestling Observer about a fracas between Dynamite and Davey Boy when the latter was in Manchester for a fan signing event. At the time, Davey was coming off a run in WCW and working for UK-based All Star Wrestling, and he was there to meet fans and sign some 8x10s.

Dynamite heard about the appearance and wanted to barge in for a fight. In the Observer, it was said that Kid travelled from his home in Wigan to Howe Bridge and planned to get in Davey's face. For his part, Smith wanted no part of the scuffle and reportedly locked his dressing room door to be on the safe side.

That was the best for all concerned. After tipping over his ex-partner's merchandise table and claiming he'd beat him up, Dynamite was hauled off by police. The sorry episode was one Smith smartly kept above board. It would've been messy had he tangled with the injured Kid.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.