10 Things You Didn't Know About The Iron Sheik

7. He Once Joined Bruno Sammartino In A Backstage NFL Brawl

Bruno Sammartino was backstage at an event that he was doing commentary for when he spotted 6 or 7 guys that were in an area where they didn't belong. Bruno claimed he was about 51 when this took place which would be around 1986. One of the men was recognized by Bruno as a running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers who went by the nickname of Rooster. The NFL player also recognized Bruno as well and offered to shake his hand. Rooster then turned the handshake into a moment of intimidation as he squeezed Bruno's hand and told him that he was a washed up old man. "Well not too washed up to take care of you," Bruno responded. Bruno blocked an initial punch and responded with a punch of his own. Rooster was knocked down but Bruno realized that a half-dozen of his friends were ready to brawl. The Iron Sheik happened to hear the scuffle from a nearby locker room. He was finished with his match and in the process of showering. He immediately joined alongside Bruno and the two cleaned house, winning the fight. No word on if Sheik took the time to get dressed between the shower and the fight.
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Iron Sheik
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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.