10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1994

7. Hulk Hogan Was Hit By Boos As Early As 1994

Ric Flair Hulk Hogan Halloween Havoc 94

It may be surprising for younger pro wrestling fans to think now, but both the WWF and WCW had distinctly different fan bases in 1994. Generally, many WCW enthusiasts much preferred the hard-hitting matches prevalent in Atlanta, more so than the Hogan-led variety show Vince McMahon offered up. Actual wrestling matches were important in WCW.

Therefore, some were more than a tad frosty towards Hulk Hogan when he first crash landed in WCW. A pocket of the core fan base who followed the company felt signing Hulk was a step in the wrong direction, a move away from the more Southern, regional feel the promotion had presented for many years.

Of course, a lot of fans were willing to embrace the idea of Hogan helping WCW rival the WWF. That fact didn't stop some boos from ringing out whenever Hulk performed in the company. Initial reaction to him was largely positive, but there were some jeers to be heard during his matches. Some people just didn't want to see the same routine in WCW that Hogan had been peddling for years in the WWF.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.