10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1994

4. Sting Was Earmarked For The World Title In The Summer

Ric Flair Hulk Hogan Halloween Havoc 94

It did take some convincing to entice Hulk Hogan into World Championship Wrestling, the man had reservations about putting pen to paper on a contract. Straight away, Hogan told Eric Bischoff that he wasn't interested in working with Rick Rude, someone he didn't exactly trust to do business how he wanted. 

That would become a moot point shortly thereafter, as Rude was forced to retire from the ring full-time. Thus, Hogan swept into WCW and captured the promotion's World Title from Ric Flair at Bash At The Beach '94 in July. That wasn't the original plan, the title was initially earmarked for another top superstar.

According to Flair, it was actually Sting who was supposed to work a program with him that Summer, not Hulk. Had Hogan not came into the company, the Stinger would have been crowned WCW World Champion and reigned supreme for the rest of the year as WCW's top babyface.

As soon as it became clear Hulk was making his way to Atlanta, Sting was moved aside. Virtually everyone in WCW's power base embraced Hogan, but things could have been extremely different.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.