10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1996

7. WCW Worried Over WWF Announcement About 'Razor Ramon' And 'Diesel'

When Scott Hall and Kevin Nash made their first appearances on WCW television, Vince McMahon and the WWF were furious. McMahon decided to take his opposition to court, crying foul at the fact both Hall and Nash were effectively playing the same characters they had in his company. Quite clearly, this was ludicrous, but the lawsuit was taken somewhat seriously by the wrestling fraternity at the time. In order to counter-act the success Hall and Nash were having in WCW, McMahon announced that both 'Razor Ramon' and 'Diesel' were coming back to WWF screens. This confused a lot of people, because the men who had played both characters were under huge contracts with Ted Turner and WCW. As it turned out, the gimmicks were filled by other wrestlers, but WCW didn't know that at the time. There's a chance both Hall and Nash played this to their advantage, but WCW management was genuinely worried about the prospect of the pair jumping ship again. Thus, they decided to pay 'The Outsiders' more money to tie them up. Unbelievably, even though they were part of the biggest angle in WCW history, the company had neglected to have them sign proper contracts. Instead, they had put pen-to-paper on loose agreements, hence why the organisation were worried when McMahon started bigging up the return of Razor and Diesel.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.