10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1996

5. Konnan Was Tentatively Scheduled For Hogan Feud

A huge star in Mexico, Charles Ashenoff was signed by WCW in 1996. Going under his ring-name, Konnan, the man felt he had achieved everything he could in Mexican promotions. A previous run in the WWF as 'Max Moon' had been short lived in 1992/1993, so Konnan hoped that he could go higher in Atlanta. Eventually, he did, but initial plans called for him to be a main event star. One story that was pitched to WCW management was to have Konnan directly oppose Hulk Hogan. The red and yellow of Hogan was still very much babyface at this point, so Konnan would have filled the heel role. It's unclear whether or not he would have used the tired, 'foreign menace' disposition against the holier-than-thou 'Hulkster'. Somewhere along the line, the prospective rivalry was canned. Konnan remained a part of the mid-card pack, whilst Hulk went on to help form the New World Order. There would have been worse opponents for Hogan in '96, because matches on Nitro against the likes of the One Man Gang weren't exactly thrilling fans.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.