10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1999

3. Vince Russo Was Considered The Saviour

The name Vince Russo comes with some serious baggage nowadays, but there was a time when the man was considered one of the brightest minds in all of wrestling. It's common knowledge that Russo played a major role in shifting the goal posts for the McMahon family in their war against WCW, helping create some tremendous characters and writing some incendiary television. Of course, that was under the watchful eye of Vince McMahon, a man who has since went on record as saying he heavily edited a lot of what his chief writer came up with, shaping it into something suitable for his audience. Whether true or not, Russo's later run in WCW seems to prove that, without a filter, he was more prone to sinking rather than swimming. Some of the TV Russo booked in WCW was horrendous, but it's important not to forget that he was considered the man who could save the company. Not only that, but he represented the kind of ideas that could freshen up WCW and allow them to pull back ahead of the WWF.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.