10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW's Nitro Grill Restaurant

8. WCW Stars Literally Broke Ground

Fingerpoke Of Doom

On 12 January, WCW held a special press conference that was designed to sell Nitro Grill to the media as some evolutionary step. Major stars like Diamond Dallas Page, Sting and Kevin Nash literally used sledgehammers to breaks the walls of an old building (Wild Bill's Saloon & Steakhouse) on site.

Somewhere, Triple H was watching and decided to make sledgehammers his new gimmick. Only joking.

Seriously though, the presser was treated like a big deal, and WCW even dedicated some minutes on the following week's Nitro to it. Hilariously (and this is so 'Dubya-C-Dubya' it hurts), they'd just run with the infamous 'Fingerpoke Of Doom' angle one week prior.

WCW went from ripping the living p*ss out of fans in the Georgia Dome on 4 January '99 to inviting them to come spend even more cash at a themed restaurant. That wasn't the only bit of fun Mr. Nash had with the project either.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.