10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 1990
7. The Original Survivor Series Card
Not an uncommon occurrence back when wrestlers didn't put much stock working pay-per-views unless it corresponded fairly with the first word of that, the 1990 Survivor Series was laid out well in advance and subsequently underwent some sizeable changes.
Ravishing Rick Rude was the biggest miss from the event, having left the company in a row over payoffs and being falsely advertised for events following his SummerSlam 1990 headliner with The Ultimate Warrior. The booking suggests Rude might have been moving back into Hulk Hogan's orbit before he left. He wasn't the only one present in the graphics but absent from the show and gone from the company for the long haul.
The departing Akeem was initially part of Sgt Slaughter's "Mercenaries" team, and longstanding Survivor Series team-abandoner Bad News Brown occupied the fourth spot on the Million Dollar Team before exiting to make way for a mystery partner spot that became the launching pad for The Undertaker.