10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 1991

7. Typhoon Wrestled As Tugboat After His Turn/The Rockers Wrestled After The Barber Shop Incident

WWE fans these days are used to everything happening either live (on Raw or Pay Per Views) or taped two days earlier (Smackdown), but back in the early 1990s, major events would be taped on WWF Superstars or Wrestling Challenge and then not aired for weeks. Meanwhile, the WWF would tour constantly, where they€™d have to pretend that major events (which were already taped) had never happened, because an overwhelming majority of the viewing audience (other than the live audience) had yet to see it. There were two such instances in 1991. The first involved Tugboat, who turned on the Bushwackers to join Earthquake as the Natural Disasters on the June 15 episode of Superstars. However, the match was taped on May 28, so Tugboat wrestled house shows for the next 18 days under the original gimmick before being repackaged as Typhoon. The infamous Barber Shop incident, which was the official split of the Rockers, aired on Wrestling Challenge on January 12, 1992. However, the actual event took place on December 3, 1991, the day of the €œThis Tuesday in Texas€ Pay Per View event, ironically enough in San Antonio, TX, Shawn Michaels€™s hometown. From 12/3 until 1/12, the Rockers continued to team on house shows, losing to the Nasty Boys.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.