10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2004

8. Wrestlers Speak Out About The New Dress Code

WWE implemented a dress code in the summer of 04, stating that all wrestlers had to wear more business like clothes when travelling to and from live events. This meant wearing dress pants and a shirt whenever they were in public (unless they were at the gym). And boy were they not happy about it. When the dress code was brought up at a Raw roster meeting in August, Edge, Chris Jericho and Molly Holly all stood up and spoke out about it. Edge complained that it looked just as bad seeing wrestlers flying coach as it did if they were wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Molly agreed, asking if it looked better when five wrestlers were stuffed into a rental car in order to cut down on costs, since they had to pay for their own travel. They were good points being made. Y2J said that the code stripped wrestlers of their individuality and that WWE tries to market them as unique but they would be viewed as conformists if they all dressed the same way. Jericho went as far as to asking if Steve Austin would have to put on a suit were he to return to the company. The next evening at the Smackdown taping Hardcore Holly stood up and raised similar points. They were all shot down by Vince McMahon. Holly stated in his autobiography that he would dress however he wanted and would only put on his 'dress code clothes' five minutes before walking into the arena.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...