10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2004

4. JBL Goose Steps In Germany

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV9NQnsRAO8 As unprofessional as Eddie's actions were, they paled in comparison those by his rival JBL the nights before. Bradshaw continually did the Goose Step and Nazi salute in order to provoke cheap heat. It was something that heels had been doing for years and was generally accepted as a standard heat getter. Bradshaw's bosses at CNBC, where Bradshaw was working as a gimmick financial analyst, were not so understanding. They fired him from his position after just three works of working there. The group issued a statement saying 'we find his behavior to be offensive, inappropriate and not befitting anyone associated with our network'. It was a silly thing for JBL to do, although he was unapologetic afterwards. In his mind, he hadn't done anything wrong. In an invterview with The Washington Post, Layfield said:
I'm a bad guy . I'm supposed to incite the crowd. I've done for decades. I really didn't think anything of it - I know how bad it is, I've lived . I've been to Dachau, seen those places where they exterminated millions of Jews [...] I draw the line between me and my character. That's like saying Anthony Hopkins really enjoys cannibalism.
He received no punishment from WWE for his actions.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...