10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2006

5. Shawn Michaels Asked The DX Content To Be Toned-Down

The reformation of DX (sans Chyna, X-Pac or the New Age Outlaws) was greeted with mixed reactions by the WWE universe. For some it was a welcome return of a highly successful Attitude Era gimmick. Others wondered how Triple H and Shawn Michaels, who were now family men, would be able to pull the gimmick off. The original DX was responsible for some of the WWF's raunchiest television in 1997 and 1998. The sexual references were flying around on a weekly basis but HHH and HBK didn't care, since they knew they were getting a reaction and making a difference to the ratings. For the 2006 DX revival, however, Michaels only agreed to do it if certain demands were met. Most of these pertained to the sexual content that the original incarnation of the group was (in)famous for. Michaels, now a born-again Christian, demanded that the WWE tone it down. He had his kids and his church to think about. The breaking point was a truly risible simulated oral sex scene featuring Triple H and Candice Michelle from the July 3rd Raw (Michaels was not on-camera but thought it was going way too far). As Michaels explained:
When we did the barbecue, I was out of the circumstances that I was not comfortable with. When the show was over, I felt like gosh, it doesn€™t really matter if you€™re in them or not, Shawn, it still represents you in some way shape or form.
And so WWE toned the segments and DX grew more and more kid friendly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMZkky9n20c

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...