10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2006

4. Kanyon Causes Controversy

Former WCW and WWE wrestler Chris Kanyon made the news with his increasingly erratic behaviour in 2006. Kanyon was fired by the WWE in February 2004 after being used as little more than a jobber on Smackdown. Kanyon had been plagued by serious injuries and WWE decided to cut their losses. Kanyon worked on the independent scene and also made a couple of appearances for TNA as Chris K before deciding to retire in late 2005. Post-retirement, Kanyon took aim at the WWE and what he felt was his unfair dismissal from the company. Kanyon, who came out as a homosexual, claimed the company released him because he was gay. He caused a minor disturbance at a WWE house show on September 8th in Tampa, Florida, coming down to ringside during DX's match and shouting at Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Kanyon held two signs reading 'HHH please ask Vince why he fired me' and 'Shawn plelase pray for my gay soul'. He was escorted out of the building by security. Then, later in the month, Kanyon posted a lengthy off-topic retort to one of Jim Ross' blog posts. In it, Kanyon claimed that WWE had fired him and Orlando Jordan for being and that JR had told Kanyon to act like a 'bad gay person' before being beaten up by The Undertaker during a segment on Smackdown in early 2003 because 'America hates gays and will eat it up'. During this time Kanyon also had arguments with Ric Flair on Howard Stern's radio show and tried to sue WWE (along with Mike Sanders and Raven) for cheating him out of health benefits. Kanyon, who had been suffering from a bipolar disorder, committed suicide on April 2nd 2010. He was forty years old.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...