10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2008

6. Vince McMahon And Creative Team Rib Charlie Haas

Anyone who followed Charlie Haas' WWE career post-World's Greatest Tag Team split will probably agree that there were more bad moments than good ones. Haas floundered, forming go-nowhere teams with Rico and Hardcore Holly before being given his marching orders in July 2005. He returned in April 2006 (after he had trashed the company in numerous interviews) and later reformed his team with Benjamin. But most of his second tenure was spent doing a clichéd impressionist gimmick, teaming with Viscera and and jobbing/working dark and house show matches. There were never any big plans for Charlie since Vince McMahon himself wasn't a fan. Vince was quoted as saying he would 'rather watch paint dry' than watch Haas work. Members of management also devised the term 'Haas pop' to describe when a wrestler gets little-to-no reaction from the live audience. The writers decided to use this situation to rib Vince by writing Haas into a segment with the WWE chairman. Haas was to be Vince's guest during his 'Million Dollar Mania' segment (where Vince would give away thousands of his own cash in a sad ratings ploy). Vince apparently got a kick out of the 'rib' and approved the idea. Haas was also booked to kiss Maria and Mae Young as part of the segment. Such stories only serve to highlight just how vindictive WWE can be at times.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...