10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE Royal Rumble

7. WWE Has Changed The Rules A Lot!

Randy Orton WWE Royal Rumble Record

Ask any wrestling fan to explain the Rumble rules and they'll likely mumble something about 30 wrestlers entering every two minutes and that both feet have to hit the floor once they tumble over the top rope for elimination. Right? Well, not always right.

WWE has mucked around with the core rules a ton over the years.

Pictured above is an eliminated Vader pressing Shawn Michaels over the top to the floor in 1996. Normally, that'd mean HBK was a goner too, but the WWF alleged that Vader couldn't eliminate other workers after being vanquished himself. Yeah, try telling that to Sid Justice when Hulk Hogan pulled him to the floor in 1992.

Other random rule changes included Finlay bizarrely getting DQ'd in 2008 for using weapons (even though fans had previously been told that was fair game during Rumbles), and Randy Savage eliminating himself by leaping over the top rope when he wasn't supposed to back in '92.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.