10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE SummerSlam

2. A Fan Almost Ruined The Ending To JBL/Undertaker Match In 2004

The SummerSlam 2004 crowd was, erm, weird (to say the least). Dubbed 'bizzaro world' by the commentary team, they were a smarky, sarcastic crowd the likes of which WWE had never dealt with before (and are sadly become all-too-common these days). The Toronto faithful cheered the heels, booed the faces, and generally just did the opposite of what WWE brass wanted and expected them to do. One of the fans, who probably had a few too many to drink or just had a death wish, decided to hop the barricade (never a good idea) and become a part of the action. Instead of trying to enter the ring, the fan instead ran and jumped onto the roof of JBL's limousine, which was parked in the entrance isle. This showoff didn't know something that WWE officials knew, however: a portion of the roof was gimmick and rigged to collapse on impact. Acting quickly, WWE security caught the fan before he could fall through the car's ceiling and the chokeslam through the roof spot went as planned. But WWE were seconds away from the angle being ruined.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...