10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WCW Nitro

6. Nitro's New Look Was Welcomed

WCW Nitro 1999 Set
WWE Network

Fans weren't exactly chipper when WCW scrapped the classic Monday Nitro set and went with a new look on the 5 April 1999 episode. The more traditional stage set-up was replaced by what can only be described as a giant spaceship that was sort of/almost/kinda' shaped like WCW (or, at least, a big 'C' overlapping a big 'W').

People hated it at the time, and retrospect hasn't been kind to the replacement aesthetic. However, WCW had been using the same stage for years, so they were fully entitled to try something new in '99. It's not like WWE has kept Raw's set the exact same since 1993, so yours truly has always felt the backlash on WCW is slightly harsh.

Some were intrigued to see it at the time.

When you're rolling through every Nitro ever, it's a welcome change. Anyone who despised it didn't have to suffer the spaceship for long anyway; WCW went back to basics and changed the set again in 2000. Both tweaks freshened up the program.

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