10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WCW Nitro

5. WCW Created More Stars Than People Claim

Booker T Sting WCW

Everyone has heard the same old stories for years, and WWE are happy to push them as fact - WCW profited from Vince McMahon's star-making abilities by poaching top names like Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Without them, the revisionists say, the company wouldn't have come close to challenging.

There's a sliver of truth to that, but it doesn't tell the full tale. Trawling through the Nitro archives and watching everything the company tried makes it clear that they deserve far more credit for building stars than most are willing to give. Need proof? How about Sting's transition from 'Surfer' to 'Crow', or Goldberg's incredible squash match rise?

Then, there was Scott Steiner's change into a genuinely viable main event stalwart, and Booker T's journey from tag midcarder to headliner. Throw DDP into that mix as well. WCW also gave the likes of Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit and more their first mainstream big breaks.

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