10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Attitude Era Raw

3. Mick Foley Was The Only Good Commish

Stone Cold Steve Austin The Rock

Was Shawn Michaels bad as WWF Commissioner? No, not really. He was certainly better than Sgt. Slaughter had been in the role, if only because ol' HBK carried bigger name value than Sarge. Even so, his sporadic appearances on Raw between 1999-2000 didn't really merit the role of an authority figure who called the shots.

Shawn was hardly on telly in 2000 (other than a few select showings here or there).

That's why the program took a sizeable step up in quality when Mick Foley replaced Michaels as the Commish in June. Mick was a tour de force in the role weekly, and he also acted as a breath of fresh air when playing babyface counterpoint to the overbearing McMahons.

Someone on the writing team deserved a raise for pitching that Foley replace Shawn. Whomever then decided that Mick should be on TV every week and work banterous skits with the roster also needed more power. That was a shrewd call, and it provided bags of entertainment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.