10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Attitude Era Raw

2. WWE Has Forgotten How To Do Comedy

Stone Cold Steve Austin The Rock

A lot of WWE comedy could be more accurately described as "comedy". Vince McMahon's long-held love for toilet humour has been de-emphasised under Triple H, but most company giggles are still forced beyond belief. They can be seriously embarrassing to show non-fans, basically.

Then, there's the boxset brilliance McMahon, 'Stone Cold', Kurt Angle and Debra produced in 2001. What's that? Yeah, Debra deserves a mention; she was excellent foil for everybody else in the room at times, and her constant eye-rolling helped sell the silliness that was going on around her.

Some of the best skits took place on SmackDown, but Raw had a few corkers too. Perhaps the biggest compliment one could give all of this chaos is that it was great comedy period, not just good "wrestling comedy". The cowboy hats, the singing - it was all amazing, and the fact they managed most of these segments in one take is astounding.

WWE has either forgotten how to do this, or doesn't have the performers who can pull it off.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.