10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 1995

8. Triple H's Debut Was So Nondescript

Triple H Debut Raw

Lord knows the full-time roster weren't making many headlines.

McMahon tried to remedy the obvious lack of star power afflicting his locker room by introducing new stars who'd hopefully spark some interest amongst fans. One of the newcomers was Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and nobody could've predicted that he'd go on to become one of WWE's most powerful after watching his debut.

On the 22 May episode, Triple H pasted John Chrystal in just over three minutes. It was... well, it was dull as f*ck, and it seemed likely that fans would reject yet another overtly cartoonish gimmick in a company full of the blighters. They did, and it'd be almost two years before Helmsley caught on properly as a member of D-Generation X.

Side note: Triple H's TV debut fell just short of one year before the infamous 'Curtain Call' incident in Madison Square Garden. That happened on 19 May 1996, whereas his first televised match took place on 22 May 1995. It'd end up being perhaps the only notable moment from his first 12 months.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.