10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 1999

6. ‘This Is Your Life’ Will Never Be Topped

Vince McMahon WWF Champion

The 'This Is Your Life' banter between Mankind and The Rock was so damn endearing that WWE tried to repeat the trick several times over the next 20 years. They even wheeled Mick Foley out to trade some jokes with John Cena in 2011, and had Alexa Bliss do some memory lane strolling for Bayley in 2017.

Neither sequel could match the original.

It's fascinating to watch this 27 September '99 segment back 22 years on (twenty two - feel sick yet?), if only because the improvised laughs shared by Foley and Rock threatened to derail the entire thing. Imagine The Rock, of all people, had totally corpsed here, for example.

Arguably, it's a little too long, but 'This Is Your Life' is still some ride in 2021. It's even funnier to know that Vinnie Mac was tearing his finely-coiffed hair out behind the scenes and frantically rewriting Raw's format when these guys ran over their allotted time by a mile.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.