10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 1999

5. The Vegas Wedding Is Super-Awkward

Vince McMahon WWF Champion

You're not going to see a ton of complaints about how things 'haven't aged well' here. That's obvious - the world was a much different place in 1999, and the WWF were happy to push the envelope by producing weekly shocks that relied on sex, bad language, blood and more soap opera tropes than one could shake a stick at.

Even so, that Vegas wedding between Triple H and Stephanie was...eek.

Things might not be so bad had Trips darted off to pastures new a few years later, or if Steph was some short-lived Diva and wasn't Vince McMahon's daughter. That didn't happen though, and she is, so this drug-induced informal drive-thru ceremony is super-awkward to relive today. It's not like WWE can readily acknowledge how the power couple began, is it?

Triple H drugged Stephanie, married her under daddy dearest's nose (and Test, who was largely forgotten about shortly thereafter) and was treated like the babyface for doing it. Remember remember the 29th of November, it seems.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.